It’s 2 days before Halloween and I have no idea what my costume will be this year! But honestly, this isn’t too different than any other year; I’m a costume procrastinator! How about you? Do your decide last-minute or are you planning for months?! Inevitably, due to said procrastination, a couple costumes were used more than once! (See: Deviled Eggs)
There is only one caveat in deciding my costume; it must be a pun! I love puns and I love dressing up, so put the two together and you have one of my favorite holidays!
In my college days at The University of Texas (hook ‘em!), we’d typically head to 6th street (even before we were 21, it was just fun walking around and seeing everyone’s costumes). If you’ve ever been to Mardi Gras, that’s basically what 6th Street is like on Halloween. It’s INSANITY. Well, it was, I have no idea what it will look like Covid style. Sad face. Every year, the weather inevitably turned cold the very week of Halloween! It would be comfortably warm all through October and then BAM, cold weather would hit right before I was about to wear a not-at-all warm costume! Luckily, the sheer amount of people being shoulder-to-shoulder kept everything tolerable with the body heat, even outdoors.
More recently, my previous job always held a costume contest every year and my Social Butterfly won one of the categories one year! I worked in the design department, so naturally we all had SO MUCH FUN dressing up and making our costumes! It was always sure to be a fun day!
Here’s a throwback to some of my punniest costumes in the gallery below (check the caption for what I am and the year)! Popsugar especially loves to feature my UniCandy Corn costume every year since I wore it! Check out some of the articles it was featured in below!